Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th July 2009 - My 21st Birthday !

Happy 21st Birthday 2 me =)

Finally ! I'm ord reach 21 =) bcum a lady. No More teenage.. Haha..

First ! I'm very thank you for all My beloved Best Frens and My family who have given me A memorable and Surprise Birth Celebration ! I do appreciate it lots ^.^ & Happy !! Muaks *

My 21st Birthday Celebrations:
-KL one day trip *Pavilion*-
-Jaya One *Kissaten*-
-Pavilion (Crystal Jade) Chill Session-
-Klang Bak Kut Teh-
- & Pulau Ketam Short Trip-
-Birth Party @ Laundry, The Curve-
-Seafood *Dinner*-

Thx lots to all My Friends & Family Once again !! *sob Sob*

Due to busy times nw. Will be updating soon ! Thank you=) Happy 21st Birthday 2 me (^.^)



  1. happy birthday to my dearest kee kee~ hoho..kee is 21st pretty lady ~ hehe...
    happy tat u like d card !^^ waiting to see ur pretty pic wo...gayao upload pic lu =)

  2. finally my mummy 21st liao..can find me a dady liao~ muahaha..

    really hapi to c u hapi..though tat nite u like so busy wrying us full here run here talk there..haha..

    still,wish u hapi everyday =D

    P/S : fast fast find time upload the pic lo..cant wait to c liao..haha..

  3. Hey Hey Thx to u all once again =) Ya, i'm legally 21st now ! haha.. Ya, i like the card lots peng ^^.. hehe, ya, nw going to upload le.. Tq my dear PenG !

    Yo my lovely daughter.. Ya, will find a daddy for u ya.. hehehehe...Ya, busy oh, scare u all not full, Ya, i m exactly happy ! Thank u... Thx for da wishes again.. Ok, photo will be uploading soon ~ thank u !
